For New Comers

for new commers

       Sunday is the most lively day because we celebrate mass
       that is very important for the parish community.
       Everybody is free to attend the mass.
       Please come and join us and listen to the word of GOD (sacred teachings).
       Feel free to approach person in-charge for further inquiries/ for assistance.


Catholic Church
  The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church,
  is the largest Christian church, with more than 1.2 billion members worldwide.
  and has played a prominent role in the history of Western civilization.
  The Catholic hierarchy is headed by the Pope, the Bishop of Rome.
  Catholic Church teaches that it is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ.
  It additionally teaches that its bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles
  and that the Pope is the sole successor to Saint Peter who has apostolic primacy.
  The number of Catholics in Japan is approximately 450,000 people.
  The whole Japan is divided into 16 dioceses and have a bishop in each diocese.
  Further more there are about 1000 parish churches located in every places.

  Everybody is welcome if you would like to know more about catholic teaching.
  Please feel free to visit us on Sunday Mass.

Catholic Tanabe Church Patron                              
Saint John Mary Vianney Priest (1786-1859)          

      聖ヨハネ・マリア・ビアンネ       聖ビアンネの言葉

          Prayer of Saint John Mary Vianney:

        I love You, O my God, and my only desire is to love You
         until the last breath of my life.
        I love You, O my infinitely lovable God,
        and I would rather die loving You, than live without loving You.
        I love You, Lord, and the only grace I ask is to love you eternally
        My God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love You,
        I want my heart to repeat it to You as often as I draw breath.

        About Saint John Mary Vianney;
         Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney, T.O.S.F., (8 May 1786 – 4 August 1859),
         commonly known in English as St John Vianney,
         was a French parish priest who is venerated in the Catholic Church
         as a saint and as the patron saint of all priests.
         He is often referred to as the "Curé d'Ars".
         He became internationally notable for his priestly and pastoral work
         in his parish because of the radical spiritual transformation
         of the community and its surroundings.
         Catholics attribute this to his saintly life, mortification,
         his persevering ministry in the sacrament of confession,
         and his ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to St. Philomena.

